Ruby examples require the rest-client gem. To install it use:
gem install rest-client
Data Sources
You can resolve names against specific data sources or against the entire resolver database. To resolve against data sources you must supply their ids; this simple API allows you to find them.
Resource URI (XML output) (JSON output)
Ruby Code Example
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rest-client' puts RestClient.get("")
Resolve Names
Receives a list of names and resolves each against the entire resolver database or against specific data sources. Underlying resolving and scoring algorithms are described elsewhere.
Resource URI (XML output) (JSON output)
Parameters (GET or POST)
- names
- Type: string, Default: none. List of names delimited by either pipe "|" or tab "\t". Use a pipe for GET requests
- data
Type: string, Default: none. List of names delimited by new lines "\n".
new lines. You may optionally supply your local id for each name as:
123|Parus major 125|Parus thruppi 126|Parus carpi
Names in the response will contain your supplied ids, facilitating integration. You can also upload files using a multipart POST request (see example below) with names and ids organized as in the example above. - data_source_ids (optional)
- Type: string, Default: none. A pipe-delimited list of data sources. See a the list of data sources.
- resolve_once (optional)
- Type: boolean (true/false), Default: 'false'. Find the first available match instead of matches across all data sources with all possible renderings of a name. When 'true', response is rapid but incomplete.
- best_match_only
- Type: boolean (true/false), Default: 'false'. Returns just one result with the highest score.
- preferred_data_sources
Type: string, Default: none. A pipe-delimited list of data sources (see
data_source_ids parameter).
Creates a new section in results -- 'preferred_results' in addtion to 'results'. Preferred results contain only data received from requested data sources. When used togther with 'best_match_only' returnes only one highest scored result per a preffered data source. The resolution is still performed according to 'data_source_id' parameter. - with_context (optional)
- Type: boolean (true/false), Default: 'true'. Reduce the likelihood of matches to taxonomic homonyms. When 'true' a common taxonomic context is calculated for all supplied names from matches in data sources that have classification tree paths. Names out of determined context are penalized during score calculation.
- with_vernaculars (optional)
- Type: boolean (true/false), Default: 'false'. Return 'vernacular' field to present common names provided by a data source for a particular match.
- with_canonical_ranks (optional)
- Type: boolean (true/false), Default: 'false'. Returns 'canonical_form' with infraspecific ranks, if they are present.
Initial Output Example
The API operates in a queue with an initial response containing a url to be polled for a final response. For a query containing fewer than 1000 names, the queue is not used.
{ "id": "31FqejHuQYm980nCtUgvaw", "url": "", "data_sources": [ ], "status": "working", "message": "In the queue", }
Final Output Example
{ "id": "31FqejHuQYm980nCtUgvaw", "url": "", "data_sources": [ ], "context": [ { "data_source_id": "1", "clade": Spermatophyta } ], "parameters": { "with_context": true, "data_sources": [ ], "resolve_once": true } "data": [ { "supplied_name_string": "Plantago major", "is_known_name": true, "supplied_id": "1", "results": [ { "data_source_id": 4, "gni_uuid": "09880732-5417-5512-2952-230616235585", "name_string": "Plantago major", "canonical_form": "Plantago major", "classification_path": "|Eukaryota|Viridiplantae|Streptophyta|Streptophytina|Embryophyta|Tracheophyta|Euphyllophyta|Spermatophyta|Magnoliophyta|||||Lamiales|Plantaginaceae|Plantagineae|Plantago|Plantago major", "classification_path_ids": "131567|2759|33090|35493|131221|3193|58023|78536|58024|3398|71240|91827|71274|91888|4143|156152|216794|26867|29818", "taxon_id": "29818", "local_id": null, "match_type": 1, "prescore": "3|0|0", "score": 0.9882161311296586 } ] } ], "status": "success", "message": "Success", }
Output Fields
- 1 - Exact match
- 2 - Exact match by canonical form of a name
- 3 - Fuzzy match by canonical form
- 4 - Partial exact match by species part of canonical form
- 5 - Partial fuzzy match by species part of canonical form
- 6 - Exact match by genus part of a canonical form
Ruby Code Example
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rest-client' require 'uri' puts "GET request\n" puts RestClient.get(URI.escape(" major|Monohamus galloprovincialis|Felis concolor&resolve_once=false&data_source_ids=1|3")) puts "\n\nPOST request with names and supplied IDs using 'names' parameter' \n" puts, :format => "json", :names =>"Plantago major|Pardosa moesta L.|Felis concolor", :resolve_once => false, :data_source_ids => "1") puts "\n\nPOST request with names and supplied IDs using 'data' parameter' \n" puts, :format => "json", :data =>"1|Plantago major\n2|Pardosa moesta L.\n3|Felis concolor", :resolve_once => false, :data_source_ids => "1") if File.exists?('names_list.txt') puts "\n\nPOST request with an uploaded file\n" puts, :format => "json", :file =>"names_list.txt", "r:utf-8"), :resolve_once => false, :data_source_ids => "1") end