Birds of Tansania

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Tanzania has the richest bird life which now stands at 1,148 known species. However, this information is currently not freely available for public use. A checklist presented here is the first reading online for anyone interested in understanding of the birds of Tanzania. The nomenclature is based on Britton, P.E. (Ed.) (1980) Birds of East Africa (EANHS) with update versions provided in Tanzania Bird Atlas. Endemic species are marked by a letter E. Although this list is subject to changes due to usual taxonomic revisions and/or new records provided it is a useful guidance especially to those without access to recent literature. Kiswahili names are from Mlingwa, C.O.F. (2000) Checklist of Kiswahili names of the Birds of Tanzania, Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania. We are privileged to have the opportunity to compile the checklist for Tanzania Biodiversity Information Facility (TanBIF) under COSTECH. We commend this initiative meant to reach a wider audience.

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